Thursday, May 08, 2003

" ...There lay the pieces on the great chessboard before me

with which the game for an empire had been played…

I was but a pawn, and like a pawn I had been pushed

forward to the front at the opening of the game."


e eh precisamente dessa maneira q estou me sentindo esta manha.

queria gritar, brigar, bater... olhar naquele lugar e mandar embora da minha vida.

essa confusao toda ta acabando comigo.

pra que?

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

just figured something out...

i have a problem with rejection... maybe that is why i am so shy.

and that maybe why i am having such a hard time accepting things.

rejection sucks ass!!!!!

still feeling the pain. still missing her. still sad...

DAMN life sucks sometimes...